Chocolate Truffels by Chef Alain Dubernard – Baron

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author image by barondurango | 0 Comments | January 11, 2019
Yields1 Serving
 3 ½ cups large dark chocolate chips
 1 cup heated Heavy Cream
 2 tbsp corn syrup
 3 ¼ tbsp Grand Marnier – Don’t drink it first
 ½ cup Hershey’s Cocoa Powder

Chop the chips finely using a large slightly curved sharp cutting knife or cheat and use a food processer pulsing it a few times to get the course chips. Pour the Heated Heavy Cream over the chips and allow to sit for about a minute and a half. Stir with a rubber spatula and add in the Corn Syrup. Add the Grand Marnier folding the mixture. If you have it a marble counter pour mix onto this surface, if you don’t use a metal baking sheet. Using two metal spatulas scoop up and spread out the chocolate to stabilize the mix. It will be ready for the next step when it holds it’s shape after about 10 minutes of folding. Transfer the tempered chocolate to a piping bag with a plain tip or cut the corner off a plastic freezer bag. Pipe balls about 3/4 inch in diameter onto parchment paper. Let the balls sit for 15 minutes at room temperature. DO NOT PUT IN REFRIGERATOR. When the balls are cool, pick up using plastic gloves and roll between hand gently to make the balls then roll them in the Cocoa Powder to finish them. They won’t last long so get yours now.



 3 ½ cups large dark chocolate chips
 1 cup heated Heavy Cream
 2 tbsp corn syrup
 3 ¼ tbsp Grand Marnier – Don’t drink it first
 ½ cup Hershey’s Cocoa Powder



Chop the chips finely using a large slightly curved sharp cutting knife or cheat and use a food processer pulsing it a few times to get the course chips. Pour the Heated Heavy Cream over the chips and allow to sit for about a minute and a half. Stir with a rubber spatula and add in the Corn Syrup. Add the Grand Marnier folding the mixture. If you have it a marble counter pour mix onto this surface, if you don’t use a metal baking sheet. Using two metal spatulas scoop up and spread out the chocolate to stabilize the mix. It will be ready for the next step when it holds it’s shape after about 10 minutes of folding. Transfer the tempered chocolate to a piping bag with a plain tip or cut the corner off a plastic freezer bag. Pipe balls about 3/4 inch in diameter onto parchment paper. Let the balls sit for 15 minutes at room temperature. DO NOT PUT IN REFRIGERATOR. When the balls are cool, pick up using plastic gloves and roll between hand gently to make the balls then roll them in the Cocoa Powder to finish them. They won’t last long so get yours now.


Chocolate Truffels by Chef Alain Dubernard – Baron

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