Author: marp69

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Baron needs new underwear

Maybe Santa will bring his some. He's got underwear that is older than Bowl.

by marp69
May 12, 2015

Bowl calls in bomb threat

He served some time and had to do community latrine duty with a toothbrush.

by marp69
February 25, 2015

Need more Batteries

If you play PlanetSide2 you know you need more batteries.

by marp69
February 25, 2015

Taste discovers snow in MI

Better get a snowblower. Holy crap!

by marp69
April 12, 2014

Baron tries a Batman

It's a thing! Get your batman on baby.

by marp69
April 11, 2014

Bowl takes spill on his bike

He did a faceplant into pavement at 20mph. Hopefully he learned a lesson. Always put the lotion on the skin. What good is face skin if you are going to mess it all up.

by marp69
April 11, 2014

Bowl takes up football

they had to kick him off the team though. He was telling everyone he would cut them a new one if they tried to tackle him.

by marp69
March 11, 2014

Fermentum sit amet congue sit amet

Sed commodo, libero ut dignissim imperdiet, lorem nibh bibendum nisi, vel blandit est eros sit amet elit. Mauris nec arcu vel tellus aliquam congue. Mauris fermentum sem ut tortor ultricies dictum. Praesent at porttitor mauris. Curabitur pulvinar suscipit tortor venenatis faucibus. Vivamus a lectus mi. Nullam ultricies nisl id ante volutpat feugiat. Ut viverra elit et nisi pharetra sed hendrerit lacus placerat. Sed laoreet ante vitae justo rhoncus nec posuere diam tincidunt. Duis interdum quam id risus sollicitudin vel commodo lorem ultrices. Maecenas ut erat scelerisque tortor vestibulum pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per…

by marp69
August 31, 2013

Flames out his ass

Baron had a dream where he was a giant creature that could shoot flames out of his ass. His wife woke him up and told him to go sleep on the couch.

by marp69
June 17, 2013

Penta pokes dragon with pointy stick

His said it reminded him of his ex-wife.

by marp69
June 17, 2013
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